Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's beginning to look like a house

Although Day Two of our house builds are the longest, they are also when we see the most progress. Walls go up, the roof goes on, windows and doors are installed, and the first coat of stucco applied. Our family has chosen to keep their current home and to have us build their new one just a few feet away. We found out that the roof leaks so badly on their current house that every time it rains they need to move everything outside the next day to dry out. They will be using the new home as their two bedrooms and maintaining the old one for their kitchen and bathroom. A few members of the team felt moved to purchase and have us install two large, heavy-duty tarps to stop the leaks in the old roof. Joyful anticipation of Bety Guadalupe, Lluvia & Priscilla increased with each new task we completed today. Tomorrow we hand over the keys to their new home. Despite sore and tired bodies, the team can hardly wait!

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