The plan was to show the Jesus Film at 6:30 local time. We hurried back to the church as fast as we could because the Pastor was on a mission to get to every door in the village and pray with everyone - and she nearly did. We got back as the sun was fading and put together the Jesus Film equipment. It amazing how small the little system and how well it shows the movie. We started just a little bit late and the seats were half empty when we first hit play. But people began to flood in, some brought their own chairs, many were left standing and more continued to come. People sat on bikes on the street about 40 yards away from us. But they sat and the watched.

Unfortunately a storm began to roll into the area. We could see lightning in the distance and could see it moving closer. Unfortunately about half way through the showing drops of rain began to fall. Then more and more until it was a complete downpour. The people their quickly made their way back to their homes as we rushed to get the equipment inside the mission and wait out the storm,
It was a little disappointing to see so many people come out and be so enthralled with the film have to leave due to weather conditions. But what we do know is that God will be glorified and this setback will only see greater things come from it. We are praying for those who may attend the next showing. We pray God is already stirring in their hearts and beginning to transform them even now.
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