Friday, February 19, 2010

God's multiplication principle

I'm a processor; the type of person who instinctively takes time to reflect, consider, evaluate or "process" experiences in order to learn from them and preserve them in my memory bank. It's been two weeks since our return from Peru. I have printed my pictures, written thank you notes, given a presentation to the congregation, worked on the trip report for the website, exchanged multiple emails with those I served alongside, shared many stories with family and friends and through it all I have taken time to let the experience sink in.

There was a time that God only used me to plant seeds and, at times, water them and have the rare opportunity to see them grow. I accepted that role and resolved to be faithful to that calling, but these past few years I have had the privilege of being used in the harvest. When I reflect upon the abundance of the harvest in Peru I am deeply humbled and awe-stuck by the power of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing more uplifting and energizing than being a worker in the harvest fields!

What phase of planting, watering, growing or harvesting does God have you working in right now? If you've not yet seen the harvest I encourage you to read and reflect on the Parable of the Talents (Mt 25:14-28) and cling to the promises of God that when we are faithful in the small things we WILL one day "share in our master's happiness" by multiplying the kingdom.

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