I have been invited to assist a missions agency with planning new ways to evangelize and reach out to the lost. I have a burden for the lost and I love being creative and brainstorming with others, so this seems to be right up my alley. However, knowing I can not and should not rely on my own efforts, I have been spending much time in thought and prayer focusing on this subject matter. Here's where my thoughts and prayers have taken me thus far:
While words and intentionally developed evangelistic activities can do much to communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ, I believe it is the life that has been transformed that ultimately convinces others of the power of the Gospel. People need to see the power of God's salvation plan, not just hear about it!
I am blessed to be surrounded by many brothers & sisters in Christ whose focus is on the lost and whose lives are a powerful witness. They are intentional about always being prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in them. (1 Peter 3:15) You do not need to have a seminary education, a theology degree, the power of persuasive speech or even the ability to recite the four spiritual laws or the Roman Road; you just need to live out what God has done and is doing in your life and joyfully share your story with others. It's the best evangelistic tool I know!