Several of our students obtained jobs and others received job promotions due to their increased English proficiency and the dedicated efforts of our ESL teachers. The children entered the building each week with joyful enthusiasm, barely containing themselves from running down the hall to enjoy their time with our fun-loving childcare volunteers. Our "ESL Angels" brought in healthy snacks, which nourished our students and their families both body & soul.
One student took time to write a thank you letter stating, "In this school, I found a group of friendly and generous people." Another student commented on how different this "school" was from other places she had gone to study English. Love and kindness are what this student said she sensed when she was here among us.
Smiles, hugs and expressions of gratitude filled the air as we parted ways for the summer months. What a difference love makes and what an impact we have when we simply and sincerely love one another!
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. John 13: 34-35